Use Apple Configurator to Supervise an iPhone

This section uses the Apple Configurator application to set up Supervised mode on an iPhone.

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Here is an overview of what this section covers:

Step 1: Enroll Device

Apple Configurator

Enroll your iPhone with Apple Configurator

Enroll your iPhone so that Apple Configurator can set supervision settings.


Step 2: Manage Profiles

Profiles are used to make changes to your iOS device.

1) Create a Profile

Apple Configurator

Create Profiles with Apple Configurator

Enforce settings on your iPhone by using profiles.


2) Install a Profile

Apple Configurator

Install a Profile on a Supervised iPhone

Sync the supervised settings with the iPhone you are supervising by installing a profile.


3) Verify Installed Profile

Apple Configurator

Verify Installation of Profiles on a Supervised iPhone

Here's how to confirm that the profile you added with Apple Configurator was properly installed on the supervised device.
