Configure Browsers

Configure different settings on your Browser to prevent filter bypass.

A useful feature of Mobile Device Managers is the ability to manage browsers. Ideally, you would restrict the user to only using a managed browser where you can enforce settings, block extensions used to bypass filtering and prevent deletion of browser extensions that block content.

Consider Creating a Custom Profile Just for Browsers

You can manage other web browsers as well, but this tutorial will focus on Google chrome.  The management process is the same for the other browsers and the features are similar.

As I recommended in the section about creating a profile, create a dedicated Manage Engine profile that will handle Managed Browser settings.

Also, create a dedicated iMazing config file for managed browser settings.

Ensure you follow my recommended profile creation settings (prevent users from removing the profile and make it system-wide).

Set Chrome as the Default Browser

Browser Profile Options

These are the settings you should change on your profile to prevent bypass on your Mac.

Block Images

You can choose to block images on all websites. Alternatively, you can block images on selective websites.

Disable Proxy

Disable the ability to set a proxy to avoid common filter bypass techniques.

Guest Mode & User Accounts

Guest mode can allow a user to bypass common blocking techniques, so it's advised to disable it entirely.

Safesearch & Youtube Restrictions

Toggle safesearch for search engines that have a safesearch mode (including Google search).

Prevent Deleting Browsing History & Incognito Mode

Add a higher level of accountability by removing the ability to delete browser history or use incognito/private browsing mode.

If You're Enforcing a Browser Extension-Based Content Filter...

If you want to maximize your content blocking options, you might want to install a browser extension in addition to the built-in features on your Mac. To make sure your extension works properly and effectively, you should check the following settings.

Prevent Browser Extension from Being Disabled

If you are using a blocking application like Cold Turkey, it will require you to install a browser extension to work properly.

Ideally, you would prevent the user from removing that browser extension. Here's how to do that.

If the extension is not installed already, you can search for it in the Chrome extension store and copy the ID from the extension's store page url.

If you save the config and push the changes to your Macbook (using the associated Manage Engine profile), you'll see that the extension can't be removed or disabled anymore:

Block a Specific Browser Extension

Once you distribute the config file to your Mac device using Manage Engine, you'll see that the extension is blocked.

Block All Extensions Except Approved Extensions

The most comprehensive approach involves blocking all extensions and using an Allow list to manually approve extensions that the user can install and enable.

Once you distribute the config changes using Manage Engine and restart your Chrome Browser, you'll see that all non-approved extensions are blocked: