Managing your Android Smartphone

Managing your Android device allows you to enforce content filtering with advanced bypass prevention.

Android smartphones have limited ways that you can block unwanted content and restrict easy bypass of those content restrictions.

However, it's possible to configure a fully managed Android smartphone, which gives you much more control over content blocking and bypass prevention.

Businesses will often use Mobile Device Managers (MDM) to completely control smartphones that they issue to employees for business purposes

As a result, Mobile Device Managers unlock powerful capabilities that allow you to block unwanted content and prevent bypass much more effectively.

After researching and comparing a few different options, we've found two MDM platforms that allow you to do this effectively:

  • Remote management of your smartphone with Manage Engine
  • Device management app for your smartphone with Andoff

Next Up

The next guide will help you choose a device management approach:


Choose a Path for Device Management

Choose between Andoff and Manage Engine. You can't use both options simultaneously.
