Backup your Smartphone

Managing your Android device will require a hard reset of your smartphone. Make sure you've backed up important files and moved 2FA apps correctly.

Before you get started

Regardless of which path you decide to take (Andoff or Manage Engine), you will need to hard reset your device. 

How to Backup Your Device

Both Andoff and Manage Engine require a hard reset of your smartphone in order to work. This will delete all data stored on that device and sign you out of any accounts.

You typically have at least one of these options:

Restore 2FA Access on Another Device

If you use 2FA on your smartphone, you will need to move this 2FA access to another device first. Hard resetting your smartphone will revoke any 2FA apps you've connected.

The exact instructions for how you do this will depend on which authenticator app you've installed. Please refer to the support section on each authenticator apps' website:

For other Authenticator apps, you'll need to check their official website for more information.

Next Up

Continue with Andoff Instructions


Get Started with Andoff

Andoff is a powerful option for Android users that grants a high degree of control over your smartphone. It requires a full device reset in order to enable.


Continue with Manage Engine Instructions


Get Started with Manage Engine

ManageEngine is a piece of software called a Mobile Device Manager (MDM) and includes a free tier. An MDM is required in order to manage your Android smartphone.
