Get Started with Manage Engine

ManageEngine is a piece of software called a Mobile Device Manager (MDM) and includes a free tier. An MDM is required in order to manage your Android smartphone.

Get started with Manage Engine

This setup guide uses the Mobile Device Manager called Manage Engine. The free tier is perfect for home use. The interface is a bit rough, but usable.

Signup for ManageEngine

Setup Video

The below video shows the entire process from start to finish with some explanations of some steps. 

Use this video as a supplement to the rest of the guide.

Step 1: Backup your Device 

Before Getting Started

Backup your Smartphone

Managing your Android device will require a hard reset of your smartphone. Make sure you've backed up important files and moved 2FA apps correctly.


Step 2: Enroll Device 


Enroll your Android smartphone with ManageEngine

Enroll your Android in ManageEngine to begin Mobile Device Management.


Step 3: Enable Managed Google Play 

Google Play

Managed Google Play

If you want to remotely install apps, then you can set up Managed Google Play on your Android smartphone.


Step 4: Configure a Profile 


Configure a Profile

A Profile is a group of settings that you can enforce using an MDM. Profiles unlock settings that are normally unavailable to standard smartphones.



Recommend Profile Settings



Next Up

Enroll your device with ManageEngine. 


Enroll your Android smartphone with ManageEngine

Enroll your Android in ManageEngine to begin Mobile Device Management.
