Profile Customization

Once you've enabled device supervision, you will now be able to add profiles to restrict settings on your iPhone or iPad.

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Tech Lockdown Team

With Supervision enabled on your iPhone, you can now install profiles, also known as Config Files.

There are two main ways to configure profiles:

  1. Using the Tech Lockdown dashboard to add Supervised Config Files.
  2. Create your own profiles using Apple Configurator.

The Supervised Config Files available on the Tech Lockdown dashboard are a better option if you're self-managing.

By default, they can't be deleted off of your iPhone, and in order to remove them, you will need to install the removable version of the profile and delete it. Installing a removable version requires you to unlock your Tech Lockdown profile first.

Supervised Config Files

On the Tech Lockdown dashboard, you can access these Config Files by going to Tools > iPhone / iPad.

You will see two options:

  1. Config Presets
  2. App Management

Config Presets

Config Presets are specific Config Files that you can install onto your supervised iPhone that cover most settings that you might want to restrict. Additionally, you can lock these profiles behind your Tech Lockdown profile, meaning that it's more difficult to disable than by using Apple Configurator.

App Management

App Management let's you create your own App Allowlist or Blocklist.

App Allowlist Notes Config.gif

Use a Blocklist if you want to restrict access to specific apps, and use an Allowlist if you want to block access to all but a few apps.

To learn more about how to install or uninstall Config Files, please see our help doc here .

Creating Your Own Profiles (advanced)

You can then use Apple Configurator to create your own profiles. However, doing this will mean that you won't be able to lock those profiles in the same way you can with Supervised Config Presets. Also, this process can feel overwhelming to some people.

Apple Configurator

Create Profiles with Apple Configurator

Enforce settings on your iPhone by using profiles.
